M. Goodman

M. Scott Goodman, Ph.D.

Interim Assoc Vice President Cleveland Hall 519
Office: (716) 878-5901
Email: goodmams@buffalostate.edu

Miranda R. Herter, B.A.

Instructional Support Specialist Science And Math Complex 113
Office: (716) 878-5135
Email: degroomr@buffalostate.edu
Douglas A. Ridolfi, M.S.

Douglas A. Ridolfi, M.S.

Coordinator, Forensic Chemistry Science And Math Complex 146
Office: (716) 878-3067
Email: ridolfda@buffalostate.edu

Amber Rivera, M.S.

Lecturer Science And Math Complex 164
Office: (716) 878-5204
Email: riveraa@buffalostate.edu
Mark Severson

Mark W. Severson, Ph.D.

Lecturer Science And Math Complex 143
Office: (716) 878-5922
Email: seversmw@buffalostate.edu

Marcia Y. Wright-Austin, B.A.

Administrative Assistant 1 Science And Math Complex 164
Office: (716) 878-5204
Email: wrightmy@buffalostate.edu

Tina M. Wynne, B.S.

Instructional Support Technician Science And Math Complex 112A
Office: (716) 878-5113
Email: scutertm@buffalostate.edu